Monday 9 October 2023

Organized Crime : Definition and Scope, Punishments Under The Maharashtra Control of Organized Crime Act, 1999 By Dabangg Lawyer

Organized Crime : Definition and Scope, Punishments Under The Maharashtra Control of Organized Crime Act, 1999 

1)       Definition of Organized Crime:

Organized crime refers to criminal activities that are carried out by structured and hierarchical groups, often referred to as criminal organizations or syndicates. These groups are characterized by a well-defined leadership structure, division of labor, and a systematic approach to illegal activities.

The primary objectives of organized crime are typically financial gain, power, and influence. Organized crime groups engage in a wide range of illegal activities, including but not limited to:

(1)    Drug Trafficking: Organized crime groups are involved in the production, transportation, and distribution of illegal drugs, such as narcotics and controlled substances.

(2)    Extortion: They engage in activities like extortion, where they coerce individuals or businesses into paying protection money or other forms of tribute to avoid harm or damage.

(3)    Human Trafficking: Some criminal organizations are involved in human trafficking, including smuggling people across borders, forced labor, and sex trafficking.

(4)    Money Laundering: Organized crime often uses sophisticated methods to launder money earned from illegal activities, making it appear as if it comes from legitimate sources.

(5)    Arms Smuggling: These groups may be involved in the illegal trade of firearms and ammunition, contributing to increased violence and crime.

(6)    Racketeering: Racketeering involves engaging in a pattern of criminal activities, such as gambling, prostitution, and illegal gambling, for financial gain.

(7)    Cybercrime: With advancements in technology, organized crime has expanded into cybercrime, including hacking, identity theft, and online fraud.

(8)    Violence and Terrorism: Some criminal organizations resort to violence and acts of terrorism to achieve their objectives or maintain control over territories.


2)       Scope of Organized Crime:

The scope of organized crime can be extensive and is not limited to a particular geographical area or type of illegal activity. It may encompass the following aspects:

(1)    Global Reach: Many organized crime syndicates operate across national borders, engaging in transnational criminal activities. This global reach makes it challenging for law enforcement agencies to combat them effectively.

(2)    Multiple Illegal Activities: Organized crime groups often diversify their activities to minimize risks and maximize profits. They may simultaneously engage in drug trafficking, money laundering, and other illegal ventures.

(3)    Corruption: Organized crime often seeks to corrupt public officials, law enforcement personnel, and other key figures to protect their interests and avoid prosecution.

(4)    Economic Impact: The economic impact of organized crime can be significant, affecting legitimate businesses, economies, and communities. Extortion, money laundering, and infiltration into the legal economy can harm economic stability.

(5)    Social Consequences: Organized crime activities can have devastating social consequences, including addiction and violence in communities, human rights abuses, and the erosion of the rule of law.

     Offences & Punishments Under 




Section 3(1) (i)

Offense Resulting in Death

Death penalty /Life imprisonment &

Fine - at least 1 lakh rupees.

Section 3(1) (ii)

Offense Not Resulting in Death

Imprisonment 5 years to life imprisonment &

 Fine - at least 5 lakh rupees.

Section 3 (2)

Conspiracy, Abetment, or Facilitation

Imprisonment 5 years to life imprisonment &

 Fine - at least 5 lakh rupees.

Section 3 (3)

Harboring or Concealing

Imprisonment 5 years to life imprisonment &

 Fine - at least 5 lakh rupees.

Section 3 (4)

Membership in Organized Crime Syndicate

Imprisonment 5 years to life imprisonment &

 Fine - at least 5 lakh rupees.

Section 3 (5)

Holding Property from Organized Crime

Imprisonment 3 years to life imprisonment &

 Fine - at least 2 lakh rupees.

Section 4

Possession of Unaccountable Wealth

Imprisonment 3 to 10 years &

 Fine - at least 1 lakh rupees.


Property Forfeiture and Attachment

Property acquired through organized crime can be subjected to attachment and forfeiture, as per Section 20 of the Act.


Written By :  Harshavardhan Prakash Deshmukh,

B.A.LL.B. = Modern Law College, Pune

Dabangg Lawyer (65K+ Followers) -

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